Parliament Issue 35 • Arbitration - Settlements - Resolutions - Oh My!

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Parliament Issue 35 • Arbitration - Settlements - Resolutions - Oh My!


The 35th issue of Parliament all about all things arbitration. (Yes - I completely realize that this sounds far from sexy) But in this issue you will learn:  What it is; When to use it; How to implement it. Heck, we even put in some great stuff about settlements in general; and the different forms of settlements. Look - no one wants to ever think about having an issue, but what's worse than having an issue is not being prepared to handle it.

So, sit back; grab a few of your contracts that probably don't have an arbitration provision in them - and learn how you may be able to protect yourself  little bit better. You're welcome.

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In this issue:

  • Letter from the Publisher

  • 'Should I Add an Arbitration Agreement To Every Contract I Have?' A Few Pros and Cons to Arbitration Agreements

  • 'It's Not Just a Payment!' 5 Things You Should Include In Your Settlement Release Agreement

  • The Difference Between Arbitration, Mediation, Lawsuits - and oh yeah - Hearings by Don Ferfolia Jr

  • "It's All In the Fine Print" A Case Analysis on Arbitration Clauses

The owl has long been associated with wisdom, longevity and truth. They’ve appeared for centuries in old texts (and sometimes new texts) related to death and to justice.

That said, Lemasters is a blend of two things: deathcare and law.

The owl has been a part of our company symbolism since our founding (the three colored circles in the logo for Lemasters are inspired by the shape of an owl’s eye).

And the name of this publication? A Parliament is what you call a group of owls.